Thursday 22 October 2009


The Tempest - Jon Haward & Gary Erskine

Reviewer: Sam

So far all of Classical's range of adaptations have been a joy to read and review. As I am fairly new to comics and a novice with graphic novels the pleasure for me has been finding a range of titles that both entertain and help me with my studies.

I LOVE Jon Haward and Gary Erskine's artwork on The Tempest which really brings the play to life. Characters are beautifully realised and the story moves along at a wonderful pace. Classical have got the tempo just right without have to change the format of the story to manga, or science-fiction, they haven't felt the need to modernise the settings in any way.

John McDonald's adaptations of Shakespeare's work is so good that in my opinion any educator that doesn't see just how powerful an aid this range of books can be to students of every age and gender is very short-sighted.


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